2015年4月26日 星期日

ACR BI-RADS Mammography 報告



Breast composition

4th ACR BI-RADS, 20035th ACR BI-RADS, 2013
1almost entirely fat (<25% glandular)aalmost entirely fatty
2scattered areas of fibroglandular densities (25-50% glandular)bscattered areas of fibroglandular density
3heterogeneously dense, which could obscure detection of small masses (51-75% glandular)cheterogeneously dense, which may obscure small masses
4extremely dense. May lower the sensitivity of mammography (>75% glandular)dextremely dense, which lowers the sensitivity of mammography
*不再附上glandular的比例,因為看breast density 的變化比起去算%數,和breast cancer的risk更有關聯

Important findings

  • Mass
  • Calcifications
  • Architectural distortion
  • Asymmetries
  • Intra-mammary LN
  • Skin lesion
  • Solitary dilated duct
  • Associated findings
    • Skin retraction
    • Nipple retraction
    • Skin thickening
    • Trabecular thickening
    • Axillary adenopathy
    • Architectural distortion
    • Calcifications
  • Location of leasion
    • Laterality
    • Depth: anterior, middle, posterior 1/3
    • Distance from nipple

Comparison to previous exams

Assessment & Management

Category 0: Imcomplete陽性複檢。需進一步檢查。
Category 1: Negative陰性定期追蹤。
Category 2: Benign陰性定期追蹤。可能為Involuted, calcified fibroadenoma; secretory calcifications, fat-containing lesions(hamartoma, galactocele), intramammary lymph nodes, implants, prior surgery related architectural distortion, ...
Category 3: Probably benign陽性短期追蹤。可能是良性。惡性機會≦2%。患部應安排半年後追蹤
Category 4: Suspicious陽性組織生檢。
Category 5: Highly suggestive
of Malignancy
Category 6: Proven Malignancy陽性可以的話應手術
Screening mammography應避免給3-6的診斷。怪怪的給0就好。
Ref: 乳房X光攝影 ACR BI-RADS 判讀技巧與應用,許居誠。乳疑陽課程。2015/4/19



  • 乳篩可降低死亡率。雖然近來有不同看法
  • 美國建議40歲以上女性,每年作screening mammography。
  • 台灣健保目前的規定:
    • 政府補助45-69歲婦女每2年一次乳房攝影檢查
    • 40-44歲婦女,二等親內具乳癌家族史者
  • 篩檢時,以下兩種view是必照的:

CC view, craniocaudal
  • 自上而下
  • 乳頭應在片子中央
  • 要照到retromammary fat。盡量把胸大肌照入,但非必要。
  • 要照到內側的乳房,這是MLO view的死角
  • 另一側的乳房應位於機器邊緣,不可撥開。不然後方組織可能會照不到

MLO view, Medio-lateral oblique

  • 自內下而外上,較深的內側是唯一死角
  • 胸大肌下緣要剛好/超過PNL(posterior nipple line)
    • PNL: 自乳頭畫向後方,和胸大肌垂直的線
    • CC view和MLO view的PNL,差距應≦1cm
  • 要看到retromammary fat
  • 下方的inframammary fold必須攤開
  • 不能有乳房下垂

    Additional views追加攝影角度

    Diagnostic mammogram:有症狀呃患者,或篩檢有異常時可追加

    Spot compression view 局部加壓

    Magnification 放大攝影

    • ML/LM view, mediolateral/lateromedial, 90 degree true lateral view 90度側面
    • Exaggerated craniocaudal (XCCL) view 誇大式頭尾向攝影
    • Valley(cleavage) view
    • Tangential view 切面角度
    • Rolled CC view
    • Axillary tail (cleopatra) view 腋尾 view
    • Reversed CC view (Caudo-cranial view)
    • Implant-included/displaced (II/ID) view 
      • 有放implant時,要照含implant(II view)及把implant向後推的view(ID view)。所以screen一側要照4張(II/ID-CC, II/ID-MLO)
      • 若implant放在胸大肌前,常常無法照到ID-MLO view


      From: Diseases of the Breast. 4th Ed. Chp. 1 Breast Anatomy and Development
      • 大體上:位於皮下fat,前鋸肌,胸大肌筋膜之間。
        • 上自第二肋間,下至乳房摺痕,外側至axillary line前緣(ant axillary line(?)),內側為胸骨邊緣。
        • 也可延伸clavicle, axillary fossa(叫做axillary tail of Spence), 闊背肌及腹直肌上方。
        • 乳房後方,胸大肌之前是retromammary space,這層很薄,是areolar loose connective tissue,裡面有淋巴及小血管。
        • 胸小肌在胸大肌之下,起自scapula的喙突(coracoid process)。被包在clavipectoral fascia裡面(往旁延伸就是axillary fascia)。胸小肌之下是axillary v., a., n., lymph node,所以切level II axillary lymph nodes常要切除胸小肌
        • 胸大肌起自鎖骨下緣&肱骨頭
        • cephalic v.:在胸大肌上緣&三角肌(deltoid m.)之間,為 radical mastectomy摘除胸大肌的指標(所以做port-A如果看到muscle要往上往外找)
        • latismus dorsi m.在axillary v.後方叫white tendon,為纖維組織,為 dissect axillary lymph時外側的指標
        • 組織:
          • 由lobules組成的lobes,lobes聚集成濾泡(alveolae)。
          • 有小乳管聚集成乳管,最後開口於乳頭。
          • 其他地方由connective&adipose tissue組成。
        • 乳房被superf. pectoral fascia所包覆,外層即superf. layer of superficial fascia,為 dissection乳房皮瓣的指標 (即開刀時那層白白的線)
          • 由suspensory lig. of Cooper(Cooper's lig.) 這個fibrous band來支撐。若tumor吃到會有凹陷。
        • 乳房淋巴:75%會跑到axillary lymph nodes,<25%會到內乳lymph nodes(中央&內側 breast),內下側還可能到abdominal rectalis, diaphragm, liver(==>肝轉移?)
          • Sappey's plexus: 乳頭,乳暈下的淋巴
          • axillary lymph nodes:胸小肌外(level I),底部(level II),內側(level III)
          • 胸大肌/胸小肌之間的淋巴結,叫做 interpectoral nodes (=  Rotter's nodes)
          • Level III=apical lymph nodes,沿axillary v. 下緣到胸骨/肋骨交界處,可看到一橫向韌帶(Halsted's lig.),此即dissect level III的界線
          • axilla的subclavicular nodes和頸部的supraclavicular nodes是相連的
          • 內乳淋巴伴隨內乳a.,左右間有交通枝==> 對側轉移?
        • 血管
          • int. mammary a.:主供應內側。其ant. perforating br.。供應約60%血流
          • lat. thoracic a.:來自axillary a.,主供應上外部。供應約30%血流
          • 2nd ~ 5th intercostal a.的穿通支:主供應後部
          • 所以血液轉移,會跑到lung, rib, vertebra
          • 其他a.:
            • axillary a.外側:throacodorsal trunk:主供胸背肌,切除後不可在重建時用胸背肌作flap
            • axillary a.內側:肩峰 thoracoacromial a.:上行支支配胸大肌,下行 支支配胸小肌。MRM時要保留上行支,不然胸大肌會萎縮
        • 神經
          • 上:C3-C4 plexus
          • 下:intercostal n. 前鋸肌 指間 穿透支
          • 內:intercostal n. 胸骨旁穿透支
          • Axillary fossa: 以下三條神經開刀時須保留。除非tumor吃到。
            • Long thoracic n.:位在內側,支配前鋸肌, 傷到可能會影響呼吸功能,即產生winged scapula
            • Thoracodorsal n.:胸背神經,支配闊背肌(latissimus dorsi),由brachial plexus的posterior cord分出,至axillary fossa後會跑到 latissimus dorsi的內側。位於thoracodorsal trunk之中。受損時手臂外旋外展會無力。
            • Medial pectoral n.:內胸神經。會在胸小肌的外緣。支配胸大肌,受損會造成胸大肌萎縮。位於pectoral neurovascular bundle 之中。
              • pectoral neurovascular bundle 往上往後方找就是axillary vein.
            • Intercostal brachial sensory n.:自第二肋間穿過axillary fossa到上臂內側。ALND會切到,而造成上臂後內側麻木。少部分的人會造成chronic pain syndromes。術前應向病人解釋相關risk。
        • Washington Manual of surgery. Chp. 27 Breast disease
        • Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 19th Ed., Chapter 36, Diseases of the Breast

          2015年4月5日 星期日

          Virchow's triad

          Virchow's triad

          1. 靜脈璧的損傷
            • 外傷。Esp. pelvic, hip, 下肢骨折
            • 手術。Esp. pelvic, hip, 下肢手術
            • 靜脈插管。on IV, CVC...
            • 靜脈炎。如SLE, varicose vein病人
          2. 血流停滯/血流障礙
            • 長期不動(坐著或躺著)
            • 脫水
            • 肥胖
          3. 凝血功能亢進
            • 惡性腫瘤
            • 含Estrogen的藥物。如避孕藥。停經後在吃動情激素的病人
            • 先天性疾病


          • 上述Virchow's triad提到的情況
          • 懷孕,剛生完小孩(postpartum)
          • 老年人
          • 接受全身/半身麻醉者
          • Heart failure (血流停滯)
          • Protein C/S, ATIII insufficiency, Factor V leiden, Prothrombin mutation G20210A, Thrombophilia...會造成凝血功能亢進
          • 抽煙
          Ref: 靜脈疾病與血管通路. 靜脈血栓栓塞症


          Table 63-2 Clinical Classification of Peripheral Arterial Disease: Fontaine and Rutherford Systems
          Fontaine Classification Rutherford Classification
          Stage 臨床症狀 Grade 臨床症狀
          I Asymptomatic 0 Asymptomatic
          IIa Mild claudication 1 Mild claudication
          IIb Moderate to severe claudication 2 Moderate claudication
          3 Severeclaudication
          III Ischemic rest pain 4 Ischemic rest pain
          IV Ulceration or gangrene 5 Minor tissue loss
          6 Major tissue loss
          Ref: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, Chapter 63 Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease, 1725-1784


          急性膽管炎 acute cholangitis

          1. Charcot’s triad: Fever, RUQ pain, jaundice
            • Fever會合併chills
            • 實際上只有<50%病人會有
          2. Reynold’s pentad: Charcot’s triad + altered mental status, Hypotension (biliary infection造成severe sepsis)
          3. Bilirubin > 2.5mg/dL會有icteric sclera,而>5mg/dL皮膚會有黃疸
          4. Liver沒辦法把bile排到腸子才會有jaundice,所以膽囊炎不會有黃疸。如果有,那可能biliary tree有感染,即有ascending cholangitis
          5. Acute cholangitis的兩個必要條件:biliary tree有細菌 + flow有阻塞,造成intraluminal pressure上升。為什麼會有bactibilia原因仍不明,有時候bile culture也不會長,但如果是stone塞住的,90%病人會長菌,最常見的是Klebsiella, E. coli, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, Citrobacter等
          6. 診斷:
            1. 嚴重IAI(intra-abdominal infection)可能會有shock
            2. 感染及發炎會造成hepatocellular injury-GOT, GPT, Alk-p異常上升
            3. 超音波:1st screening test。可看到biliary tree dilation
            4. HIDA scan:biliary tree的感染會讓分泌至biliary tree的顯影劑變少,判讀要小心,不要false-negative。
            5. CT看阻塞也很有用,不過有時會miss掉,也看不出哪個是critical的(造成阻塞的)。
            6. ERCP, PTCD:同時可診斷&治療。看obstruction的位置,可以drain,收bile culture,有需要還可以做biopsy。
          7. 治療
            1. 嚴重的可能會IAI,death,要馬上hydration,IV antibiotics。有的人打anti就會好,但也有人要馬上做decompression,不然馬上就shock了
            2. 目前主流用ERCP或PTCD decompression,morbidity比開刀少,而ERCP還有機會把stone拿出來。
            3. 如果ERCP/PTCD fail,那就要開刀-CBD exploration,放T tube。但病人vital sign通常不stable,通常會先穩定vital sign,治療cholangitis,等穩定後再開刀。
          Ref: Sabiston: Textbook of surgery, 19th ed., Chp. 55 Biliary system

          2015年4月3日 星期五

          AV fistula related High output CHF

          AV fistula related complications
          High-Output Congestive Heart Failure

          1. AV access會在動靜脈間形成high flow connection,因而降低SVR。為了維持BP,HR/SV會增加以增加CO,因而增加心臟的做功,而有high-output CHF 
            1. 約有40%病人做完AV access後CO會上升,但大多數病人都能tolerate,而不會有heart failure (Abassi and coworkers in 2006)。除非flow過大,且病人的心臟也不好(Decreased cardiac reserve),才會有heart failure。 
            2. Flow過大 
              • Flow > 1000ml/min才有機會。目前洗腎機器的flow多在600 ml/min以下,除非病人心臟很爛不然不會有CHF。通常做在上臂,大腿的比較有機會讓Flow>1000ml/min。 
              • A-V access flow和cardiac output的比值 > 0.3的病人也是高危險群。但弔詭的是前臂的比值通常比上臂低。 
              • AV fistula的 的直徑若 < 8 mm 有heart failure的機會較少 
            3. CAD, severe hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 這些病人心臟可能很爛,要小心 
              • 其中高血壓會增加AV fistula的flow而更加重心臟的stress 
            4. CHF的原因是volume overload,也要考量 anemia, severe hypertension, cardiac dysfunction 等可能的原因。事實上,和AV access相關的並不多 
          2. 診斷:壓住fistula時,CO會下降。 
          3. 治療:ligation,但AV access就這樣報銷了。也可以用banding以減少shunting的flow。可搭配用Duplex,確保flow rate < 1000ml/min即可。 
          4. Ref:erence
            • Rutherford's Vascular Surgery, Chapter 77 Hemodialysis Access: Nonthrombotic Complications
            • Comprehensive Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Chapter 26 Hemodialysis Access

          2015年4月2日 星期四



          1. 治療目標:救命,避免不可逆的器官傷害(end-organ damage)。臨床上要高度警覺,快速診斷才有機會。
          2. 所有Acute type A aortic dissections都應考慮緊急手術修補(Emergency surgical repair),以避免aortic rupture或tamponade等致命併發症。
          3. Relative contraindications: 有些病人,考量其morbidity/mortality而不開。但也有很多醫龍很敢開成功把病人就回。
            • 有 major stroke or coma的病人
            • 有嚴重的comorbidity(advanced, debilitating systemic diseases)以致預期餘命不長或不可能復建恢復的病人(preclude meaningful rehabilitation)
            • 80歲以上有多種major complications也可能不開。
            • 如果病人有新的hemiplegia,開刀也許有機會,不應當作絕對禁忌。Stroke病人在修補ascending aorta後,大多病人仍會有改善(partial or complete neurologic recovery)。
            • Paraplegia也是,但spinal cord 若受損恢復的機會較低。
          4. 若dissection有影響到其他器官的perfusion (有peripheral arterial complications),該怎麼辦?
            • 以往我們認為surgical repair應優於percutaneous vascular intervention。採用“proximal” or “central” repair 通常可一勞永逸,通常也不須再開刀(<10%)。缺點是要開很久,開刀時狀況不穩
            • 但近年來血管介入治療的進步,有另一派認為可以先做導管 (flap fenestration, true lumen bare metal stenting) 先試著維持 end-organ perfusion ,待malperfusion syndrome改善再來開刀。好處在於reperfusion較快(開刀時間短),可先穩定病人vital signs,準備好再來開刀。但如果在做導管時,end-organ ischemia/infarction已不可逆,病人通常活不了,也沒機會再開刀了。目前約有 15% 的病人會死於aortic rupture
          5. Type A IMH:處理同Type A aortic dissection。
            • 但在北亞,若Type A IMH沒有併發症,且ascending aorta未擴張,有些人會以藥物來處理。這些人最好密集 follow up image study,因為變化可能會很快。
          6. 一旦懷疑 acute type A aortic dissection,就要
            1. 監測 神經學狀態,血壓,EKG,UOP,及四肢pulse。
            2. 要馬上on A-line, CVC, Foley。
            3. 嚴格血壓控制,減少動脈的impulse(↓MAP, ↓ aortic dP/dt)。術前術後都很重要。可減少dissection的進展,降低aortic rupture的風險,還可減輕疼痛。IV antihypertensive & negative inotropics:通常一開始用 beta-blocker 或 CCB ,若有需要,之後可加短效的 arterial vasodilator,如 sodium nitroprusside。
            4. 若vital signs不穩,那可能已經發生 aortic rupture, cardiac tamponade, 或severe AR/coronary a. compromise造成的 acute LV failure。
              • 若病人有tamponade的證據(低血壓, HR↑, JVE, distant/muffled heart sounds, ...) :還是要急開。除非不能馬上開才做pericardiocentesis。引流的量不可太多,讓血壓在最低可接受範圍就好。若release tamponade,心臟功能回復會讓血壓急遽竄高而造成aortic rupture。

          Surgical Principles

          • 在ascending aorta/arch上Primary intimal tear要完全切除
          • 遠端的aortic blood flow要確定流到 true lumen
          • 若有AR,要重建 sinuses of Valsalva , aortic root並把 valve commissures接回。
          • 若aortic root已嚴重毀損If the aortic root is severely damaged by the dissection process, the patient has Marfan syndrome or other connective tissue disorder, severe anuloaortic ectasia is present, or the valve needs to be replaced for other reasons (such as severe aortic stenosis), then complete aortic root replacement with reimplantation of the coronary ostia is indicated by use of either a composite valve graft or a valve-sparing technique, as advocated by Yacoub and David. 
          • In most cases, the noncoronary sinus of Valsalva is the most severely traumatized and can be treacherous to reconstruct satisfactorily; replacement of just the noncoronary sinus and the tubular ascending aorta (a “uni-Yacoub” procedure) is a simple approach that works well in these circumstances. Valve-sparing aortic root replacement by the reimplantation method, as described by David and colleagues, might be the ideal technique in the setting of acute aortic dissection in patients with normal valve leaflets, resulting in complete removal of all diseased tissue, improved hemostasis, and low incidence of late reintervention for aortic root or aortic valve problems. 168 The older technique of separate aortic valve replacement and supracoronary aortic graft replacement has been abandoned for the most part in patients with acute type A aortic dissections, except for selected elderly patients when aortic valve competence is not achievable otherwise.
          Reference: Sabiston and Spencer's Surgery of the Chest, CHAPTER 70, Type A Aortic Dissection